Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fat no more

I've blogged about various half hearted exercise schemes before, but this time I mean it: It's healthy or horizontal! Dashing or dead! It's pushing iron or pushing up the daisies!

The most I've ever weighed (as far as I know) was a solid 131 kg (289 pounds), measured on Feb 19, 2008. Mostly due to a few days of hospitalisation due to leg problems and later a bout of flu which had me in bed for a week, I lost weight last spring - I was at 123 kg in late March and 121 in June. I then went up during my summer holiday in Britain - I was at 126 in late July - but lost that by late August, when I was at 121 again. I slowly pushed it further down last fall, reaching an all time low of 118 kg several times in November and December.

Traveling and generally vegetating since then, I got a shock to the system when I found myself at 127 kg after returning from Britain a few weeks ago. So since March 7 I've been on my stationary bike almost daily, for an average of 20 minutes. I just weighed in at 122kg, meaning I've lost 5 kg in 8 days, which isn't too shabby (unlike my general appearance).

I'm going to post more or less daily updates, describing my progress (or lack thereof) and enrolling my faithful readers in this project. Ideally, I'd appeal to your better nature and ask for encouraging words and the odd slap on the back, but knowing you guys, this would be utter folly. Instead I'm asking for venom, cruelty and inane comments to spur me on. Go on, tell me what a lardass I am and berate me for not exercising enough! Kick me when I'm down and trample all over my self esteem! It's a win-win, people!


Anonymous said...

Riding a stationary bike sounds lethally boring.

Why not use a non-stationary bike instead? A few years ago I did like 7000 miles per year going to and from work and around town, all on pedals. No car, no busing, just the bicycle.

It worked fine, except for a few days in winter.

Greetings from the formerly fit drage lun

Anonymous said...

Meh do what you want. sit and eat cake until both your feet drop off for me..I'm not your mother.

Can I have your car if you die?

*looks hopeful*

ak said...

Lose some more weight, average 40 minutes EVERY day on you bike, so that you get closer to 100 kg, then buy yourself a pair of VERY good running shoes, like Adidas Ride and start running. But do the running in increments so that you don´t get shin splints (! Your goal should be 40 minutes running every day. You will get addicted ;) But avoid shin splints!! You lardass!

Anonymous said...

Is 118 kg really your all-time low? Did your mother survive the birth?

Ghost of Goldwater said...

My mother's maiden name is Hutt.

Anonymous said...

Some basic rules:

* Look for physical activity where you employ as many muscle groups as possible (translated to "gadgets": rowing machine, cross-country machine, or similar, rather than spinner/bike)
Choose one (or a number) that you consider fun (or at least not boring to death).
* Competing (against others within your performance range, and even yourself may help against the boredom (Therefore: a puls-meter watch may help motivate). Many have interface to PC wher eyou both get a log and can look at your performance(improvements).

While you probably will need fairly long (30-45 min) fat-burning workouts, you could consider interval-sessions to improve your heart/lung capacity, but only after discussing with your GP.

I do intervals (4 min of some 90% of my max heart-rate (basically 220bpm -age in years) with 2 min rest) x 4. The beauty of this is the short time for a complete session, and an improvment in heart stroke volume of some 0.5% for EACH session(!)

WRT eating, I just have a very few advices:
Don't tuck in surplus carbohydrates in the evening. If you like beer (like I do), enjoy them preferrably earlier on the day. Wine and booze is better than beer when enjoyed late.
If you want some snack in the, go for protein (and even fat)rather than carbohydrates, i.e. starch and sugars.
Surplus blood sugar when going to sleep tricks the body to deposit fat. The other food items does this to lesser degree -even if having the same caloric content.

In Cod we trust

Anonymous said...

How tall are you? If you are 2 m tall, you are not THAT fat. If you are about 1.70, on the other hand...

Run, fatass, run! ;)