Friday, November 2, 2012


These pictures were taken not all that far from Laxnes Horse Ranch, and since I have no clue what the actual name of the mountain range is, I shall call the whole set Laxnes. Sue me.

We were driving home Saturday and the sideways snowing had let up for a while (we were having a still unsettled discussion about whether it was actually snowing or just blowing old snow). We saw these mountains with their various colors and just had to photograph it for posterity. My camera and skills can't do the sight justice, but take my word for it when I say that it was infinitely more beautiful than what you see here.

All pics.

Green, brown, pink, purple.

Chocolate and strawberry icecream.

Sho, sho purdy.

The ever present Iceland horses in the foreground.

A mountain a little further to the west.

Sun breaking through the clouds. Mighty purdy.

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