The cemetery is a memorial to the dead of the Pacific theatre in WW2, but also for Korea and Vietnam. The area seems well kept, although it was almost empty when I went there. It was rather sunny right then, so I took some pics of the trees, the memorial and the views over Honolulu and then went back to the hotel. By sunset, the weather was overcast again. So no pics of sunrises or sunsets - not because I am a lazy bastard (which I will readily admit to) but because the weather simply would not allow it.
All Punchbowl pics here.
View from atop the memorial.

Honolulu. I don't think I've hated a place this much since I was in Las Vegas.

The nice park at the bottom of the crater. The graves are marked with plates set into the ground, not tombstones.

The flag is always flown at half mast. The star-spangled banner is a motive I never get tired of.

The memorial.

She is supposed to represent all grieving mothers, but personally I think she looks like she's about to slap seven kinds of snot outta some slant eyed, emperor-worshipping, rice-eating bastard.

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