Friday, July 25, 2014

Orford Castle

The final post from my trip to Great Britain, is from Orford Castle, which lies out by the coast of Suffolk. The castle was built in the late 1100s by Henry II to give him better control of what the Earls (later Dukes) of Norfolk were up to. Today, the outer fortifications are gone, but the keep remains remarkably intact and is considered one of the most remarkable in all of England.

The structure is quite unique in construction; it has a round tower in the middle, with three interclasping towers around it.

The keep as seen from the parking lot.

The fireplace on the first floor.

The shitter. You knows you wants it.

There's a stone missing approximately in the middle of the picture, with darkened stones below it. This was a urinal, with the hole in the wall leading to the outside of the castle. It saved the commander of the castle from having to descend to the lower levels to take a leak.

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