Saturday, July 12, 2014

Trip down Glen Etive

I spent Friday night in the nice little resort town of Oban and had a surprisingly splendid evening in the bar of Hotel Kelvin, discussing Scottish independence, folk music, the state of teaching, travel, TV series and lots more. Lots of banter and jokes and a good time was had all round. Highly recommended!

On my way over to Inverness along the A 82 today, I decided to take a detour down to Glen Etive, along a single file lane. I was soon rewarded with mighty views of rivers, streams, grand mountains and deer. Oh yes, deer. I was driving along when I passed a narrow sideroad to a private lodge, and thought I saw a lifelike statue of a deer to my left. Then the statue moved. I stopped the car and got out my camera, desperate to get off a shot before he fled into the bushes. I needn't have bothered, because this guy was in no hurry. He continued stuffing his little snout on grass, not ten feet from my car. He looked up a couple of times to acknowledge my presence, but showed no concern at all.

This was how close he was.

Yum yum.

Devil deer! Aaaaaaaah!

This guy was just cooling it in the middle of a field.

More pics from the valley.

Sho, sho pwetty.

Hot daymn, that place was purdy.

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