Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sutton Hoo

After the pleasant, if unexpected, detour to Framlingham, I set course for my original target: The Anglo-Saxon burial site at Sutton Hoo. It's not far from Framlingham - I think it took me appx. 20 mins to drive there. There's a large hall that contains replicas of the original findings (which were donated to the British Museum) and models of how they think various items such as houses might have looked in days of yore. There's also a building which houses the ticket sales, the museum shop and a fairly large cafe. It's a ten minute walk from these structures to the actual burial sites, which can be seen as mounds in the landscape.

Highly informative and highly recommended for an hour or so, but not more unless you're really, really, really into the minutiae of speculation around Anglo Saxon Britain.

What they think the burial chamber of the richest grave might have looked like.

This is a silver replica of a helmet they found in the grave. The original was of iron and was badly shattered.

The graves.

The shipgrave mound.

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