Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Castle Acre

So. After the disappointment, the theft and the good tip down in Weeting, I set off for what was the highlight of the trip so far; Castle Acre. This was once a heavily fortified structure, with not just a fortress but also a whole village inside proper walls. I spent a lot of time just wandering and gazing around there. The sun was setting on a field of the greenest grass and the wind was blowing so hard I had to grab a hold of my hat. It was pure magic, folks.

All pics.

There were several small mounds in the field; these are the remains of foundations of various buildings that once stood in the courtyard.

This was the gate to the civilian part of the settlement. It still stands, and the main road goes through it.

Oh, to be Lord of the Manor... king of all one surveys.

The main castle bits of the settlement.

Several walls and moats and stuff. Wheeeeeee.

Sho, sho green.

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