Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I'm cursed

Come down with a slight cold... sore throat and a little fever. Fuck fuckety fuck.

Had very lazy days Sunday and Monday (the Kraut group finally left Monday morning, and an unusual calm descended upon the hotel). Finally got a full night's sleep and didn't feel too shabby this morning, so I went to the National Technological Museum, which of course was closed until 20fuckin10. So instead I embarked on the 45 minute walk through Letna park to Prague Castle.

It's been real nice and sunny today, and I was sweating like a pig the whole way. Lots of people outside, strollers, dogs, the whole bourgeois fantasy out in full force. I was lucky enough to find the last available table at the terrace cafe by the eastern entrance to the castle and anticipated a nice (if pricey) lunch, with great views over the Mala Strana district. My luck lasted less than 30 seconds.

I don't know what it is with me and Germans, really I don't. I don't know why these sauerkraut-gobbling, tuba-molesting beerguzzlers feel the need to fuck up my world every chance they get, but fuck it up they do. I'd perused the menu for maybe all of ten seconds when my table -and mine alone - was surrounded by a dozen Krauts and their guide, the latter pointing and explaining out over the city, the former cackling and pushing and shoving, all of them utterly oblivious to the fact that someone was actually sitting at the table they were crowding.

After a couple of noisy, unpleasant minutes they left, only to be replaced by a middleaged German couple who were seated next to me (I couldn't in good conscience try to grab four seats for myself, not even with my belly). By faking deafness, muteness and utter incomprehension of any and all Indoeuropean languages I managed to keep the conversation to a minimum. I don't really speak any German, but I was able to make out that they had a disagreement towards the end over how much to tip. The bitch was clearly being niggardly (no, that's not Cajun for African-American) while hubby seemed to have figured out how little money they were actually looking at in Euros. As a final adding of insult to injury, I was afterwards presented with a bill that contained two items of theirs. GAWD!

Suggestion to the world's tourist industries: Now that pretty much every place in the civilized world is smoke free, why not partition your premises into Kraut and non-Kraut? I know I would pay extra for the privilege.

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