Sunday, April 12, 2009

A modest proposal

Now that several civilized nations already have troops both in Iraq and outside Somalia, would it be too much to ask for a quick, surgical black-op against this judge?

A less modest, though by no means less desirable proposal in the eyes of yours truly, would of course be to go in full force, guns blazing and execute the whole Saudi royal family and every single member of the Saudi clergy, religious police, religious school system, etc, etc... you get my drift.

I've always found it apalling that there is not more outrage in the civilized world against the oppression and inhumanity prevalent in most Arab countries, Saudi Arabia foremost among them. This is 2009. If a western citizen treated his dog the way the Saudis treat their women, he'd be in jail. We shouldn't sit idly by and watch this anymore, not when we have the military means to wipe out these fuckers in short time.

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