Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Armstrong Museum

The Armstrong Air and Space Museum is just south of Lima, Ohio where I've spent Tuesday. It is named after famous astronomer and all-American hero Neil Armstrong, and gives you an insight into the various space programs that ended up with the moon landing. You can land (or crash) THREE different types of spacecraft, see how the criteria for being an astronaut has changed (sadly, they're still not allowing slobby couch potatoes) and generally just get filled with wonder at it all.

I went there with my old pal from Chathouse, Sheila, who was born and raised in Lima, aka "the armpit of the midwest" as one diner at a local restaurant called it Monday night... Well, we had a jolly good time at the museum, armpits be damned.

All pics here.

If you look closely, that's yours truly inside the "spacesuit".

I'm not sure what a scrawny, naked, dancing man is doing in a space museum, but I believe it was a reference to Icarus of ancient Greek fame.

The text at the bottom of the drawing reads "unbound".

The first image of the Earth taken from a vehicle in lunar orbit. I'm old enough to find this cool.

The quiet, sacred solemnity of the "infinity room" shattered by the unmerciful flash of my camera. After this, karma struck and the battery went dead.

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