Monday, June 11, 2012

White Sands Missile Range

White Sands Missile Range is the birthplace of the atomic bomb in the US. The first bomb was detonated here in July 1945, and the world was never the same. It is still one of the most important test sites for American weaponry, and I spent some minutes there Sunday, just strolling around the grounds where they kept the boom-booms.

Sadly, the adjacent museum was closed on Sundays, but I got to drool over a wide assortment of capitalist harbingers of death to communism, fascism and islamism. I've said it before, and I'll gladly repeat it: The US armed forces is the greatest force for good in the history of mankind. To see their old tools of the trade up close brightens the soul.

All pics here.

The famous Patriot missiles, which came to the attention of the world during the first Gulf War, but which actually hail back to the Vietnam era.


This little beauty is the Sidewinder, a cheap, simple and widely used missile for American fighter jets.

A copy of one of the atom bombs they dropped on the slanteyed, rice eating emperor worshippers.

One of the first ICBMs I believe?

A whole forest of death to commies everywhere.

One of the designs they got from the crash site in Roswell, no doubt. I'm going there Monday.

Majestic surroundings.

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