Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Oklahoma History Center

The Oklahoma History Center would like to give you the impression that they are a 3-story building jam packed with fascinating things. Sadly, from my estimate less than half of the building is taken up by, you know, actual STUFF, like artifacts, displays and the likes. The whole second floor is just offices, and much of the rest too. How the fuck many people do you need to run a museum???

Anyway, as museums go it's not a bad one. Most of the exhibits are actually both interesting and informative and I'm not blaming the museum for the fact that my back started acting up and cut short an otherwise nice Tuesday morning stroll.

All pics here.

I had no idea that Clarence Nash, the voice of Donald Duck, was from Oklahoma, nor Brad Pitt or Ron Howard. The museum had an interesting movie exhibit where they had bios on just about every Oklahoman (is that even a word?) that had ever contributed to a movie in addition to lots of posters, various equipment etc, etc. Slightly desperate in some cases, but also interesting.

A 51 Studebaker. I'm not really interested in cars as such, but I do value the aesthetics of a fine vehicle.

They had an exhibit featuring all the 39 injun tribes in Oklahoma, which is also known as the Native State. T'was the destination of several eastern tribes during the Trail of Tears in the late 1830s. Ah, Andrew Jackson, you magnificent fuck.


I believe this statue was called "Monarch at rest".

The Oklahoma State Capitol was just up the road.

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