Saturday, July 4, 2009

Yellowstone - water

Ok, folks... I have so many pics from Yellowstone, I am going to spread them out in several postings - this one will focus on water. If you're in a hurry, the complete gallery is here.

Wednesday afternoon I drove into Yellowstone from adjacent Grand Tetons National Park. There was a lot of road maintenance and quite a bit of traffic, so the drive was slow. In addition I don't think the southern road is the most interesting, and there was fairly little to photograph until I reached the shores of Lake Yellowstone. I stopped by the roadside, and the first thing that greeted me was this jolly sign:

The shoreline was white and ashen, and there was steam coming up from the ground.
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Pretty view out across the lake, and a bit further north there were several boats on the water.

Later I passed this little water, I think maybe it's Lake Sylvan. I rather thought I got a nice shot with the moon and all, don't you? Keep in mind that I was being eaten alive by mosquitos while I took it... the things I do for you!

Today (Friday, US time) I took this, from the north shore looking east/south east.

Some pics from the Yellowstone river, the only unregulated river of any size in the US.
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