Quite a few of the dead had had titles like captain or skipper, and some graves were for people lost at sea. Some, as always, were for the young - usually there was no cause of death, but a few had been killed in car crashes and a few had drowned. I especially noticed the relatively high number of graves marked "unknown". I don't know if these are aboriginees or people washed up on the beach or if Eden is drifter central, but I found it strange.
Sunrise over the graveyard.

"Taken by the sea", sixteen years old. Tombstone formed as a surfboard. RIP buddy.

All these white crosses were unknown graves. Stwange.

These older, somewhat more elaborate stones were also "inhabitant unknown". Possibly the name has just been washed away by the weather?

This was the most recent I could find. Small and unnamed. So many lives, so many stories.

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