Friday, May 4, 2012


Young is an even smaller city than Cowra. It is known as the cherry capital of Australia, though I can't vouch for the quality personally. The place's main claim to fame is as the site of one of the more ugly ethnically based conflicts in Australian history: The Lambing Flat Riots.

Basically, these were a series of scuffles, fights and downright bullying, occurring in 1860 and 1861, between white miners (as often as not, foreign-born!) and Chinese miners. The riots are well known in Australia, and the banner of the rioting white miners has become particularly famous, or at least that's what they want you to think at the local museum, since they have the original there...

All Young pics here.

Roll Up, Roll Up, No Chinese.

One of the most insanely creepy dolls I've ever seen.

Insanely un-PC. If you put a coin in the hand of the one on the right and twist an ear, the coin goes in the mouth apparently. Just like with the current US president!

I brought the Nikon to see his forefathers.

Why was the packing that goods came in so much cooler before?

This picture had a haunting quality to it, with the ghostly shape of half-transparent, marching men in a nightly landscape. The Menin Gate is a monument to the nearly 55,000 Commonwealth dead around Ypres, France, who remain nameless to this day.

Some faces from the British Monarchy. From left to right: A cheating, commie eejit; a cheating, anorexic numbskull; a dithering cow, a stuttering moron and, finally, one of the worst whoremongers on the British throne. I can't see who's in the small picture at the bottom; possibly the dithering cow and her brilliantly arrogant & offensive hubby.

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