Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Glenrowan and Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly has become something of an Australian Robin Hood figure. As with most of these figures, his actions have largely been explained from the motives of people living many years later, and history and myth are mixed up in an unsavory way.

Kelly may have been wronged by Australian authorities, but that does not excuse his murder of policemen and civilians, nor his frequent use of violence against those who stood in his way. He was a rotten, lying, thieving bastard who got exactly what he deserved.

To make a long story very short, Kelly and his men were holed up in Glenrowan in June, 1880. The cops came and a firefight ensued. Kelly was badly wounded and taken to Melbourne, where he was swiftly tried and hung in November. Good riddance. However, the one good thing he did before he died was to lay the foundations for a big tourist industry for the tiny town of Glenrowan.

All pics here.

This show costs 26 Oz dollars and you can't take pictures. I strongly recommend you go WITH someone, as it is so hilariously bad you need witnesses to back up your stories. Made by happy amateurs with access to high tech equipment.

A more serious museum that costs only $6, and where photography is actively encouraged. This is a replica of the Kelly house as it would have looked back in 1880; there's nothing but a few ruins on the original site today.

A huge Ned Kelly figure stands on a corner. The hat was part of the ridiculous outfit the gang made for themselves, as part of some insane armor. Kelly was still shot three times.

The site where a wounded Kelly was arrested after the gunfight. "It's only a flesh wound".

The site of the inn where they were holed up is now a field, where a little Shetland Pony is grazing peacefully. The cops set fire to the inn and three of Kelly's men were burned, two of them to crisp. In the background is Mt Glenrowan, known as Mt Morgan at the time. It was where the gang had their HQ for some time, before the last battle.

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