Sunday, May 6, 2012

Handfeeding kangaroos

The highlight of the visit to Potoroo was, of course the kangaroos. Most of them roam around freely, and some are tame enough that they'll eat out of your hand and even allow you to pet them.

Gently nibbling from my hand.

The not so gentle claw on its hind leg. This can disembowel you.

Respect the front paw as well.

They have a tendency to keep their tongues out, which quite frankly makes them look stupid.

Case in point.

The only wallaby they have locked up there. Wallabies are very playful and loooove to cuddle. This little girl was jumping along the fence, sticking her little nose out as far as she could and when I gave her some pellets, she'd take them from my hand very gently.

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