Thursday, January 12, 2012


As a kid I vividly remember reading about Wyatt Earp, his brothers and their sidekick Doc Holliday and the famous shoot-out at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone. There was probably more fiction than fact involved, but nonetheless I was looking forward to seeing the place.

Sadly, the whole corral area is now fenced in behind high walls, so you have to pay $10 to get in and see it. This I was, reluctantly, willing to do, but the inbred fuckface behind the ticket counter informed me that they only accepted credit cards for transactions of over $15, so I fucked off outta there, quite possibly trailing steam. Fuckin retards can't even run a better operation than any Subway restaurant? Fuck that!

I should also hasten to add that the town has been near losing its position as a national landmark because of their deceptive way of labeling new reconstructions as old buildings, so I gather unethical business methods and incompetence is the order of the day. Anyway, I had no desire to support said business and left after having spent ten minutes and not a single cent there. For me to return and spend hard earned cash, Tombstone needs to take the step into the 21st century, financially and ethically.

Pics here.

This was as close as I got. Sorry, folks.

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