The name does not lie. It is a large backyard full of petrified trees, even some petrified moss. Indoors there are more petrified objects and fossils and bones of long extinct species. It is fascinating in a slow, horribly boring way. It only costs five bucks and they have a store with some reasonably cheap polished stones and fossils and such.
All pics here.
Overview. At this point I already suspected that I was the only person insane enough to walk around in the sun. I was right.

If you say so.

Again, I'll take your word for it.

Don't say this blog is not informative!

Shoulder blade of a titanothere, an animal not unlike the modern day rhino.

Rocks under ultraviolet light. Or was it infrared? Fuck knows.

Some of these petrified tree slices were quite nice.

Grass, glorious grass.

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