Friday, July 6, 2012


After Canada I set course for the US again, taking a small state road down to I-81 and then following various interstates down to Philadelphia. I'd never been to upstate New York before, but I must say it was a very nice area. At one point I drove close to Fort Drum, home of the 10th Mountain Division, who I've read about numerous times in several Tom Clancy novels. Yes, I'm a greedy, blood-for-oil, Pax Americana-loving, neo-colonialist warmonger. And them's my softer sides.

In the evening of the 3rd I reached my destination in New Jersey, just across the river from Philadelphia. I was promptly invited to a BBQ by my old friend and fellow libertarian Lene, a Norwegian who has lived in the US for over ten years now (allow me to stop briefly and wail with envy) and who's currently located in Philly. There were no fireworks, on account of the father in the house having lain down the law because of the drought, but we barbecued and I talked to a lot of people, and we still had a good time.

The next day I drove to Lene's apartment and we went downtown along with Cassie, a live-in friend of Lene's. I got to see the Philly subway system in all its glory and then we walked around for hours. Partly on Cassie's recommendation we visited the Mutter Museum, which is a museum of medical curiousities and anatomical specimens in the HQ of the old medical society. Then we stuffed face at a place run by a well known chef, where I had one of the best hamburgers ever.

We then walked downtown, moi snapping pictures like a jap tourist and asking Lene about every other building. I saw City Hall and Independence Hall (from the outside) but having been there before I had no immediate need of going inside. Besides, I'm definitely going back to Philly for a more thorough exploration, it really is a grand old city.

Cassie was a new acquintance, and an interesting one. She's sort of a linguistic allrounder, and reads and to some extent speaks Norwegian, Swedish (*spits*), Hebrew and Arabic (*spits*). She also has a very wierd sense of humor, which I immediately warmed to. General banter and "your mom" jokes prevailed throughout.

Back at the apartment, I connected with a female cockatoo named Lucy, who was possibly the cuddliest bird in the known universe. I was a little apprehensive at first. I've never really liked birds that much; I guess I just have this irrational fear of getting my eyes hacked out by a rabbid flurry of feather, claws, beaks and pure evil.

Anyway, Lucy got on to my arm and then started rubbing her beak against me, then she nestled in the nook of my arm, making content litte noises. She even climbed on my neck and walked down my shoulders. It was the cutest thing. A few minutes later, when I tried to put her back on her perch, she tightened her grip on my arm and pinched my hand with her beak (she could probably have bitten my finger clean off if she wanted to). She then proceeded to jump around and squawk loudly until I picked her up again and then all was lovey-dovey once more.

All pics here.

Downtown Philly skyline.

There's nice old buildings of all kinds downtown.

The Mutter Museum did not allow photography, but they were true to their word.

Many buildings have murals on them. Quite nice ones, too.

The local Macy's is located inside the old Wannamaker building, which has a fully functional organ inside it. (The previous sentence would have had Cassie in stitches.)

We walked past this shop for eejits. I'd love to see this guy try to call out to his lifeguard when a shark's got his leg. I'll bring the popcorn.

Well that just sucks if you're black, no?

Pursuit of happiness - prosciutto of happiness. Get it? Get it? This was at Bruno's, a Philly shop that has all kinds of goodies from all over the world.

Lene and Lucy. Lene to the right (no, I never tire of those jokes).

Yours truly, apprehensively cuddling a lovesick birdie.

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