Sunday, April 8, 2012

Elephant in sunset

Just as I'd finished the blogpost yesterday about the visiting elephant, I heard noises from outside. Lo and behold, an elephant was out there harvesting the tree behind the garden wall and stuffing its face on the leaves. At the same time, the sun was setting and for once it wasn't either all cloudy or all clear; it was a gorgeous sunset with just the right amount of clouds.

So I took more elephant pictures, more sunset pictures and some combinations thereof. In Norway, the term "moose in sunset" is a phrase used about kitchy paintings (meaning stuff 99% of us mere mortals understand and appreciate) so I present to you: Elephant in sunset.



Stuffing face on the leaves.

Rubbing her eye.

This one looked slightly bigger than the first one, but I can't be sure.


There was another one in the bushes about a hundred yards away.

Elephants apparently spray themselves with dust to protect from the sun and from insects.

T'was a really nice sunset.

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