Friday, November 18, 2011

Four Corners

Four Corners Monument is placed at the exact point where four states' borders meet - Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. It's the only place in the United States where four borders meet. The monument lies on Navajo land, which meant I had to pay 3 dollars to drive in and park my car. Hrmph.

There has been some controversy about the technical correctness of the location, but as far as I'm concerned, what the Federal Government says, goes. A federal agent can kick your nerdy, skinny, white, cyber arguing ass any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

All pics here.

Where the four states meet.

Meaning no disrespect to these states, this was the only way I could take a picture of any of my body parts covering all four states and get away with it without either 1) falling over and not getting up and 2) not getting jailed (gnyh, gnyh, know what I mean, nudge, nudge).

My shadow is in all four states. Wheeeee!


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