We've seen quite a few buffalo here and Sunday we drove both into and out of the Lamar Valley, where huge herds of these massive beasts usually walk to and fro. On our way back from the Beartooth Highway, we came very close on a couple of occasions, and once we were even driving v-e-r-y slowly while a herd surrounded us left, right, front and back. I also got a selfie with an individual, but at a much, much safer distance than some of the idiots who have been attacked here in the past few months.
I am skeptical of buffalos.
A herd in the setting sun.
These giants will wander back and forth across the roads without a care in the world. No animal is big enough to threaten a grown buffalo, and they are used to cars stopping for them. They will leave you alone unless you do something stupid - like honk, blink your lights, take flash photos... or possibly breathe too loud.
A smaller herd we stopped to look at. The sounds buffalo make are really something to hear. They will walk around snorting and bellowing and sometimes bumping into one another or make threatening runs only to break off at the last moment. It sounds like they're basically going around saying "fuck you", "piss off", "stay away" and "yo' mama" in their native parlance.