Thursday, July 16, 2015

Return to Grand Canyon

On Tuesday I started by driving up to Grand Canyon. After looking at the big hole in the ground from several places, I headed up through Arizona and into Utah and Monument Valley. I then barely made it into Arches National Park up in Utah, where it was raining and getting darker by the minute. Having pronounced it good, I then had an absolutely fabulous dinner in Moab, which I am glad to report still has the best drinking water in the US. Seriously, their tap water is better than what you get from bottles.

I am not impressed with the Grand Canyon at the western entrance.

Nice view.

An elk was stuffing face on a traffic island and cared not a fuck about my comings and goings.

I parked at a lookout point a mile outta Grand Canyon Village to look at the view. This big crow was sitting on the stone wall when I arrived. SANY0015

As I rolled down the window to take pictures, he started jumping closer. I swear, I wasn't doing anything to encourage him, he just came hopping in that strangely determined way of big birds who have the power to claw out your eyeballs.

He then shook me down for half of what was left of my bag of chips (crisps for you limeys). It was very clear to me that this was not the first time he'd done this.

At least he was professional enough to pose when I drove away.

A little farther down the road, these four crows got the rest of my chips. I swear, these birds are living the thug life.

I'm not that impressed with the view at the eastern entrance either.

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