Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Arthurian Centre

The Arthurian Centre lies in a tiny hamlet called Slaughterhouse, but before you get your hopes up: Slaughter is derived from an old Anglo-Saxon word that means marsh. There's absolutely fuck-all to connect King Arthur to Cornwall, except legends, which is another word for bullshit.

There are "Arthurian" sites all over Britain, including Cornwall, Somerset, Wales and Scotland. Camelot, The Lake, the various battle sites - there's hardly a county in England that doesn't have something connecting to the story. In addition, we need to separate the few historical facts from the myriad myths, most of 'em invented by frogs French trubadours in the Middle Ages. The Arthurian Centre has one version, and it does its best to defend it, but in the end that doesn't mean fuck. The tiny museum, the webpage and the "battlefield" all scream "AMATEURS", and that's what they are. The historicity of Arthur continues to be a matter of scholarly debate, and the questions will not be settled by halfwitted bits of folklore.

All pics here.

The archaeological dig mentioned on the welcome sign has nothing to do with Arthur.

A flock of sheep eyeing me suspiciously when I walked across a field behind the museum.

The supposed battlefield, where Arthur fell.

The sheep, unnervingly, had moved closer when I walked back.

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