Saturday, October 8, 2011


Friday morning I drove to Restormel Castle, which never saw much military action and was built more for show than for use anyway. It was only used actively for a very brief period during the Civil War, and that was pretty much the end of it. The design is peculiar in that it is completely circular. Of course, there were lots of other buildings surrounding it, but there's nothing left now, just a small park.

All pics here.

Presently a park, this used to be the outer court.

The castle.

Inside the castle.

You can clearly see the outline of the fireplace.

I think these enormously stupid birds are pheasants? Possibly partridges? I've seen them several places here in southern England and their behavior towards my approaching car is always the same. At first they display a degree of intransigent refusal to accept my existence, then they go into panicky flight modus, and at the end they go back to completely ignoring me. Never has the expression "birdbrain" been more appropriate.

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