Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I bought at Tintagel

As my bloated body fell out of the Landrover that had taken me from Tintagel Castle up to the parking lot I noticed that the place I had thought was a pub wasn't. Toys the sign said. Toy museum & collection. Wheeeee! Ever the immature clod I quickly went in and found I had died and gone to, if not heaven, then a very pleasant substitute.

The little space was absolutely jam packed with stuff, mostly classic toys but also all sorts of other shit, from tarot cards to flags and books on Cornish history. In the end I made it outta there with just a handful of postcards and a rag doll in my possession.

These stylish dolls are known in Engerland as "Gollies" (more politically incorrect as Golliwogg). Read more about them at wiki. Personally I think they're wonderfully offensive and only wish that someone would make something equally offensive about other groups, ethnic or otherwise. Possibly a fat, white doll that said "I need a breather" every 30 secs?

Stuffed with stuff. Wonderful!



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