Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ah made a gator

After the feeding, we were taken down to one of the pens where they had the young 'uns. I noticed the groundskeepers would go in and out of these pens with impunity; in fact, the animals would generally scatter as far away as possible. Groundskeepers would even walk into pens where they had saltwater crocs, to clean out their living quarters.

Also, there were lots of turtles living in with the gators & crocs, which I at first thought was rather cruel, but I was told that the animals were so well fed they didn't bother to kill 'em. Again, crocs and gators are damn lazy animals and will generally only move when they have to.

Anyway, one of the little gators was unceremoniously grabbed, then his jaws were taped shut. You see, crocs and gators have incredibly strong pressure when closing their jaws - but fuck all when it comes to opening their little gaps. So a strip of black tape is enough to shut their claps when they're little.

"Is she trying to buttfuck me?"

"Noooooooooo! Don't wanna!"


"Oh, the indignity."

"When I'm grown imma eat y'all"

I'm looking skeptical, but in reality they're not dangerous at all at that age. And quite soft to the touch, too. And it was just when I was uploading this pic that I discovered the other groundskeeper clowning behind me. I'll sue them!

Clowning around, aka how to humiliate a gator.

"Awwww, you're daddy's boy".

"Let go of me, you fat bastard!"

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