Friday, December 2, 2011

Graceland Too

Today we've had a stark contrast to the washed and presentable image that is Graceland. You see, on advice from Amanda, our friend in Houston (who is originally from Tupelo) we went and saw something called Graceland Too, in Holly Springs, Mississippi. It is the work of one, insane individual, living alone in a big house stuffed to the ceiling with Elvis memorabilia, much of it crap.

The old guy running it is cleary mad. He talked all the fucking time, and fast, and whenever he wanted to make a point he slapped his hands together and several times he nudged us or whistled to get our attention, even though we were already listening. He also kept throwing around huge numbers, especially when cash was involved. He laid out his plans to turn the neighborhood into an entertainment emporum, but should probably concern himself more with the fact that the house stank of cat piss.

As I understand it he's always been several cards short of a deck, but now it seems he's gone full on ga-ga (I mean, he called Astrid "one of the most beautiful women to have visited", and a "stone fox" - the man must clearly be deranged). Still, you might want to visit there, just for the entertainment value. It's only five dollars, and if you just keep nodding and making ooooh and aaaah noises, it's actually quite fun. You'll learn nothing useful about Elvis Presley, however, since it's impossible to tell truth from rumors or just fantasies made up in his own, demented mind.

All pics here.

The house today. Even the trees around the property have been painted.


The interior. Insane.



One room is devoted entirely to people who've visited. Not creepy at all, no sirree...

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