Sunday, December 11, 2011

Moore's Creek

On the way from Winston-Salem to Wilmington, I saw a sign for Moore's Creek National Battlefield. I had no idea what to expect, but I turned off the interstate and followed the signs. After a 15 mile drive through redneck territory, I reached my destination.

The battlefield is from the American War of Independence - a war that began before independence was even declared. The two opposing sides were the Patriots (who were in favor of independence) and the Loyalists, who were true to the British Crown. The latter group consisted mainly of Scots, most of them Highlanders, who had to swear a personal oath of allegiance to the King in order to emmigrate to the American colonies.

The battle took place on February 27, 1776 and wasn't so much a battle as a slaughter. The Loyalists thought they were attacking a small band of Patriots, but were running headlong into a trap and soon found themselves outmanned and outgunned. By some accounts the "battle" lasted only three minutes, and at the end of it more than 30 Loyalists were dead, while only one Patriot managed to get himself killed.

All pics here.

There were several old trees there with Spanish moss on them. I'm a sucker for trees. Indulge me.




Wrapped in winter clothing...

Today's bridge across the creek.

It was said that a number of Scots were drowned or otherwise died in the creek and the surrounding swamplands, sweeling the number of certified dead from 30 to possibly more than 50.

The Patriots had a cannon and a sviwel gun, which they used to devastating effect.


What's up and what's down?

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