Thursday, December 1, 2011

Travel diary: Highway 61 in the fog

Wednesday morning we set out from Vicksburg at 7.20, and the sun had just risen over the horizon. After a brief drive up the legendary Highway 61, we came to a place where the sun hadn't yet dispersed the fog. It was a beautiful place of pure enchantment, the kind of place where you might expect anything to come out of the fog. I shot pics like crazy and here is the result:

Tree in the fog, and the sun coming up and and and... ahhh, so purdy...


There was a strange half circle of light going up from appx. the sign and a little out in the field on the other side of the road. No idea what caused it.

" may be, in yon smoke concealed..."

"The road goes ever on and on..."

"...through the fog it came..."

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