Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Crocs & Gators

So, what are the differences between an alligator and a crocodile? Well, now that I have visited Gatorama I can say quite a few things about this (see it's educational to visit!). First of all - and this is really what you need to know if you encounter them in the wild in Florida - alligators will run rather than face you. If he has the option and is not cornered, an alligator will run like the wind rather than try and eat a human. Crocs on the other hand, not so much. They're more likely to stand their ground and try and get a chomp outta you.

They also differ in how they look. Alligators are more dark-skinned, their snouts are broader and more rounded, and normally you can only see a few teeth when they have their mouths closed. Crocs are generally lighter, with a narrow snout and when their mouths are closed you can still see a terrifying amount of sharp teeth. Both species have 88 teeth and may go through SIXTY SETS in a lifetime.

All pics here.

Playing submarine.

Come closer, my dear. That's right, hang out over the net. Just a liiiiiittle more...

I've always maintained that cats are the world's number one sleepers, but I gotta say these crocs will give'em a run for their money. Not that they generally run or have money. It's a metaphor, you see.

When they're young, they'll often sleep in clusters, for protection from big birds and other predators. It's only later that they'll develop a sense of territory, but even then it's more a question of practicalities than pride.

"Ah stumbled and fell and now Ah's just laying here in da sun".

A saltwater croc, of the kind you find in Aussie.

The scars on his snout are from former battles with other crocs. A lot of crocs and gators have scars in the nasal region, because that's where they'll bite each other when they fight over food, sunning spots or womenses.

Goliath has been at Gatorama since 1968, but he killed so many young crocs and gators he was eventually put in solitary.

He was "asleep" when I looked at him, but I saw his eye opening a fraction of an inch to watch me.

The mighty alligator visciously killing a piece of bread I threw him. They sell large chuncks of bread for just 1 dollar in the shop.

The ibises would rapidly finish off what the gators didn't.

I just find this picture hilarious... an alligator sneaking up on a slice of bread.

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