Thursday, October 11, 2012

Crichton Castle

The only touristy place I've visited today is Crichton Castle and that was only because I was misled by a roadworking crew. I saw the sign for the castle and turned right and drove towards it. The roads got narrower and the settlements grew scarcer. Finally I came to this shitty little singlelane road... which was blocked by a crew laying new asphalt.

I was told that this would take all day, but I was welcome to park my car and walk down to the castle, which was open. Gullible and naive I started on my merry way down the lane. It was a windy, but otherwise fine October morning. Imagine then the horror I felt at having walked at least a kilometer, possibly even a mile to find the castle closed as of the end of September. I settled for pictures of the exterior, and with imaginary tears running down my pudgy cheeks I turned around and walked a kilometer (possibly a mile) back again.

Back at the car I told the road crew, just for future reference, that the castle was closed and one of them had the temerity to tell me "well, at least you got some exercise". Honestly, the directness of the Scottish! Hrmph!

All pics.

The castle, with the solidly locked door. I think it's from the early 1400s.

All that I could film of the interior. Sigh.

Even the pigeons mocked my misfortune.

A little farther down the hill is the stable building, with fancy horseshoeshaped doors. It also had a second level inside, for the servants.

The church from 1449.

The gently rolling landscape of the Scottish Borders.

The long, long road I traversed.

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