Thursday, October 4, 2012


Portpatrick is a small village on the west coast of The Rhins of Galloway, as the peninsula is called. Nothing much to report, except that I strolled around the port area for five minutes, then had a big lunch, then drove back to Stranraer.

One more thing... I've been listening to BBC Scotland quite a bit for the past two days. In addition to just sitting there and smiling happily like an eejit every time I hear Scottish English being spoken, I gotta hand it to the beeb; they have a way of making even the most horridly dull topic exciting and informative. Waaaay better than most radio I've heard in Norway, and so very, very little of that effin pop music that seems to prevail in every channel of Norwegian radio, be it private or public.

All pics.

The sun was shining, birds were in the air, dogs were barking... t'was nice.

I wouldn't necessarily SCREAM no if someone wanted to give me the deed to this house.

Roughly the view from where I sat and stuffed face.

Which was outside the white building here.

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