Thursday, October 25, 2012


I've been very, very touristy today, and even managed to squeeze in a visit to Stonehenge's poor, neglected cousin - Woodhenge. Far from the maddening crowds of Asian tourists that make Stonehenge hell on earth, Woodhenge is a sad and lonely place. I was the only tourist for most of the time there - a soldier walked his dog in the field across the road and a woman stopped to take some pics with her ipad - and that was all.

All pics here.

Woodhenge was built between 2,000 and 2,500 BC, probably slightly later than its stony neighbor.

There was a grave with an infant on the site.

The concrete pillars mark places where they've found holes for wood. There may have been a number of stones there too.

This happy idiot of a military dog was very proud of his squeaky tennis ball.

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