Thursday, August 2, 2012

Old Faithful

After Grand Tetons, we entered Yellowstone. Siri was clear that she wanted to see the geysers, so I meekly aquiesced and drove west instead of east at the junction just before Lake Yellowstone (more specifically Grant's Pass). Truth be told, I was ok with the choice, since I'd never done the western part of the park.

After a while we got to the geyser place, but as it was some time till Old Faithful was scheduled to blow, we walked a bit around the grounds. Some very pretty nature and lots of smaller geysirs, most of which we never got to see, on account of us both being lazy slobs.

All pics here.

You can have any color of clothing so long as it's black.

These little fellas looked like a cross between prairie dogs and squirrels. Also, this one looks like he's just been caught smoking behind the bicyce shed or something.

There was a very nice creek behind Old Faithful.

You can see where the mountain has been discolored by the endless stream of nasty stuff going down to the river.

The water was soooo clear when it wasn't bubbling visciously, like some hellish pit.

Some initial sputtering.

Then the full blast. I gotta say it was pretty impressive.


Hella fun!

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